Friday, March 8, 2024As you get older, you’re likely not going to use your car as much as you once did. Retirement might not equate to long commutes. And changes in your health restrict your ability road trips. Even when driving short distances, you might not be able to control your vehicle the way you once did. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, February 28, 2024 Finding affordable auto insurance is hard enough with good credit, but if you have bad credit, it may be even harder. In Georgia, you may pay up to 131% more for auto insurance if you have poor credit as opposed to exceptional. Can I Get Auto Insurance if I Have Bad Credit? READ MORE >>
Thursday, January 18, 2024You rely on your car daily. From getting to work to taking your children to school, having the ability to drive is liberating. However, getting slapped with an SR-22 requirement may have you a little nervous about your ability to continue to drive. Although the matter is serious, driving safely is your ticket to overcoming your SR-22 requirement. READ MORE >>
Friday, December 15, 2023Safe driving—along with a variety of additional skills—are a must when it comes to traveling in an RV. While newbies probably have a learning curve ahead of them, even seasoned RVers can benefit from a refresher course. Taking an RV safe driving class shows your commitment to making the roads a friendlier place. READ MORE >>
Thursday, November 30, 2023Think exotic sports cars have the highest risk of carjacking? You’re not alone! Many people believe that their modest sedan isn’t at risk of being stolen, but this isn’t necessarily true. In fact, carjackers often look for common models of vehicles that are in good condition so they can be sold to chop shops for their interchangeable parts. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, October 17, 2023Among other repercussions, certain driving violations can lead a court to issuing you an SR22 requirement. An SR22 is a form that states you carry the amount of insurance as required by your state. This is often required when a driver is caught operating a vehicle without insurance. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, September 20, 2023Most drivers know that if you get into an accident, one of the first things you need to do is gather the contact and insurance information from the other driver. In turn, you should give your auto insurance information to them. But what if the other driver doesn't have auto insurance? READ MORE >>
Thursday, August 24, 2023Say you have an accident and receive a DUI. You then receive a notification that the state now requires you to carry an SR-22. But what is an SR-22 and how do you get one? What Does an SR-22 Do? Often called SR-22 insurance, an SR-22 is proof that you carry car insurance. READ MORE >>
Thursday, July 13, 2023Many renters feel that since they don't own the property the live in, there is no need for insurance. Surveys have revealed that over half of those who rent a house, apartment or condo have not bought renters insurance. Let's look at some of the common reasons people don't buy renters insurance. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 1, 2023Most drivers are aware of the more common driving hazards like tailgating, speeding, aggressive driving and driving under the influence of alcohol. While all of these dangers are real, there are others that may have escaped your notice. The following overlooked driving hazards don't get much press, but they can still cause accidents. READ MORE >>
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